Engaging speaker, insightful management consultant, and effective facilitator.


A compelling professional speaker, insightful management consultant, and effective advocate


A compelling professional speaker, insightful management consultant, and effective advocate

ADAM JONES, Management consultant and Lobbyist

Adam Jones presenting to a crowd.

Bringing out the Best in People and Organizations

With every interaction, Adam wants to positively impact people, organizations, and communities. Whether a keynote on nurturing and empowering your best folks, going deeper in a workshop, spending time with leaders, or facilitating your way through the thorniest challenges, he brings to bear humor, empathy, and insight. His knowledge is rooted in over 30 years of public service and consulting across industries, with an emphasis on excellence in government and the not-for-profit sector. Adam wants to uplift your organization and help you be your best.

Contact Adam

Go beyond the HR handbook to find the difference makers in your organization by
seeking out Speed, Snap, Platform, Homework, and Persistence

How Texas Works

Adam has administered the largest general revenue budget in state government, led far-reaching agency reorganizations, guided successful procurement efforts, built a state government practice for the biggest independent accounting firm in Texas and the Southwest and is a highly trusted and skillful legislative negotiator. He understands Texas business and government and the intersections between the two. He effectively represents clients, navigating relationships with overarching goals and specific outcomes in mind, engaging elected officials, board members and agency executives with a seriousness of purpose and an informed appreciation of the nuances and pressures associated with their public responsibilities.

Improving Effectiveness


Adam provides leadership and sharp managerial insights to organizations of all sizes in the public and private sector. He ran every financial and operational function of the Texas Education Agency during some of the most challenging budgetary times in state government. The managerial acumen developed during his years of public service benefits clients across a spectrum of successful engagements ranging from organizational assessments, information technology, coaching and mentoring and even as the engagement director of a large data manipulation investigation. He relentlessly identifies the weaknesses to be remedied and the strengths to be fortified regardless of the entity or circumstance.

Clear, Concise Communication

Adam provides leadership and sharp managerial insights to organizations of all sizes in the public and private sector. He ran every financial and operational function of the Texas Education Agency during some of the most challenging budgetary times in state government. The managerial acumen developed during his years of public service benefits clients across a spectrum of successful engagements ranging from organizational assessments, information technology, coaching and mentoring and even as the engagement director of a large data manipulation investigation. He relentlessly identifies the weaknesses to be remedied and the strengths to be fortified regardless of the entity or circumstance.